Darren Soto tweeted the following:
"HAPPENING TOMORROW: Join us at the grand opening of our brand new Orlando office tomorrow from 5:30 7 p.m.! We look forward to welcoming our constituents and continuing to work for #FL9.RSVP tinyurl.com/OrlandoGrandOp"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Darren Soto:
"More pics!"Read on Twitter
"Today we attended the Charles L Martin Monument Dedication.After desegregation in 1965, Mr. Martin became the first African American to graduate from @OsceolaHigh.Proud to join his family and classmates in recognizing his historic legacy during #BlackHistoryMonth."Read on Twitter
"Thank you @POTUS for visiting Ukraine and showing firsthand we stand with them in the defense of democracy! chicagotribune.com/nation-world/c"Read on Twitter