Darren Soto tweeted the following:
"ICYMI: We had the honor of honoring SGT Lou Boria a heroic Puerto Rican veteran of WWII and the Korean War with a commemorative Marine Service Medal made especially for him.His story is a potent reminder of the valor and sacrifice of our armed forces."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Darren Soto:
"In Gov DeSantis Florida, our freedom is under constant attack:Exploiting Venezuelan & Cuban refugeesErasing Black historyEliminating womens right to chooseTargeting LBGTQ communityDismantling higher edAre you paying attention yet? orlandosentinel.com/opinion/guest-" on Feb. 4Read on Twitter
"In #FL9, multiple constituents go to work at NASA, Space X, ULA, and Blue Origin. In @EnergyCommerce, I'm working to help facilitate launches and help our busy spaceport in Cape Canaveral." on Feb. 4Read on Twitter
"Today is #WorldCancerDay and I am proud to reaffirm my support for cancer prevention, early detection, and quality treatment for all. On this day, let us #CloseTheCareGap and explore different resources for cancer prevention, honor the survivors, and mourn the lives lost." on Feb. 4Read on Twitter