Darren Soto tweeted the following:
"Welcome to the radio waves, KQ 95.7 FM! #TeamSoto was excited to attend the inauguration event for our new "casa de Merengue y la Bachata" in Orlando.laprensafl.com/oscarito-el-ma"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Darren Soto:
"As we begin #BlackHistoryMonth, lets come together and celebrate the countless contributions Black Americans have made to our Central Florida community and the country."Read on Twitter
"With the #InflationReductionAct, Democrats are working in @EnergyCommerce to promote clean energy, protect clean air and water, and lower gas prices for hardworking Americans."Read on Twitter
"Pres Trump & House Republicans DOUBLED the deficit with their #GOPTaxScam for the rich.Now theyre putting our economy at risk with their #DebtCeiling fiasco.In todays meeting w/ Speaker McCarthy, count on @POTUS to protect SS, Medicare & our economy. usatoday.com/story/opinion/"Read on Twitter